On Navy SEALs and Fiction

One of the most common questions I get about the Heart of a Warrior series is: Why Navy SEALs? I usually give one answer or another:

  • My brother considered becoming a SEAL at one point.
  • One of my favorite movies, Tears of the Sun, showed me what flawed men and a flawed mission can sometimes accomplish when our perspective changes.
  • I could tell you that I was curious.

And all of that is true.

Over the past few years, SEALs have become a growing focus in our country. What was once more of a behind-the-scenes elite group is now in the spotlight more than ever due to media. Sometimes the press is positive, sometimes jaded, sometimes a snippet of the full truth we’ll never know (and don’t need to know), and sometimes a criticism of issues within the ranks of this group that needs to be dealt with. My interest began before the press, but regardless of the current article titles, I still learn much from their culture and institution.

When I began the Heart of a Warrior series, a friend promised to help with facts, with accuracy in the story under one condition—that I agreed not to “Hollywoodize” this team. I eagerly agreed. I wanted to capture the heart of this military group. While fiction does sometimes necessitate an exaggerated look at reality (for example, they can’t be completely silent over comms. This is a book, afterall. We’ve got to have a little dialogue to aid the scene.), I did seek to keep it as close as possible to reality.

So why the SEALs? Because they remind me of ideals and truths I want to infuse in my story. This group has a team culture—no holds barred, knowing and maximizing each other’s strengths for the good of the operation, and never leave a man behind. The only easy day was yesterday. So we fight for a better tomorrow. We don’t give up. We fight for one another, and if necessary, withone another, so that we can be better together and fight forone another once again.

From the outside looking in, I don’t think there is anything simple or easy about this brotherhood. It is difficult on marriages, families, spiritual lives, health, and the psyche. But men step up and do the job. And they do it together. I never want to idealize something and ignore the difficulties. But I do respect the ultimate heart and intention of this elite band. And I hope that I can continue to capture some of that in the stories to come—the ideals of fighting for something bigger than oneself, honoring the brotherhood, and never giving up.

Studying this group—I hope—makes me a little better, and I think it made this series a little better, too. And I can’t wait for you to see these guys get their own love stories. Brush up on the Heart of a Warrior series. The Heart of a Hero series is coming at ya soon.

What other questions do you have about this series? I would LOVE to answer them!

Kariss Writing, Writing Life 4 Comments

Comments 4

  1. A friend recently let me borrow her book, Shaken. I fell in love with it within the first two pages! I then found shaken and shadowed online and purchased them for my own “library”. I have read both of them and absolutely loved them! but now, I cannot find surrendered. will there be any more published? or is there another avenue that I haven’t found to purchase the book? thank you very much! have a blessed day, and please keep writing!

    1. Post

      Hey Melanie! I LOVE hearing this. Thanks so much for sharing with me! Good news, yes, more books are coming. The Heart of the Warrior series is actually undergoing a rebrand right now and will be rereleasing with some beautiful new covers over the next few months. And I have a couple more in the works that will release as soon as I finish! The best way to stay up to date is going to the homepage of my website and using the subscribe section to sign up for the newsletter. I will be sending out the covers and release dates as soon as I know them, including the date for Surrendered. Hang tight! I can’t wait for you to read it!

  2. I have read Shaken and shadowed and loved them Would like to have the third book – surrendered and cannot find it for less than $161.99. Why is this one so much more than the first two, and do you know where I can buy it new or used??
    Thank you very much!

    1. Post

      Hey Sherrin! Thanks for reaching out! I’m actually in the process of rereleasing all three books right now, which is why you are having trouble finding Surrendered. Someone is just taking advantage of it being “out of print” and has marked it really high. If you can wait just a little longer, Surrendered will be back up for pre-order shortly and then rereleased in the next couple of months for a normal price! If you sign up for the newsletter, I will communicate the exact rerelease date through that avenue!

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