Fight For It

Shaken-front-2DMy life will change in the next month. Well really this year.

My first book, Shaken, releases February 4. The second book is due to the publisher at the same time. I should be moving and grooving. Should be making plans, dreaming big, marketing, promoting, and all around enjoying this crazy fun answer to prayer and success of my dream. And I am.

But I’m terrified. Self-doubt cripples my creativity. Time marches on, creating apathy. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. And I just can’t do it.

Man, that’s the evil one. I have to fight. Fight because this is more than a dream. It’s a calling. Fight because even if it impacts one, it is well worth it. Fight because others need to know that the Lord answers prayer in crazy ways beyond our imaginations. I couldn’t have dreamed for this exact outcome. I must fight. And I’m reminded of the picture in Psalm 34 that the righteous are as bold as a lion.

Because of that, I will develop the heart of a warrior like the characters in my book. I will remember who I am, whose I am, and where this dream came from. I’ll remember I’m not doing this alone. And I’ll remember I have a whole team of loved ones fighting with me against discouragement and apathy.

Most of all, I’ll remember that success in the world’s eyes is not the standard of success in God’s eyes. So, I’ll fight to be faithful to that which He has called me to. Here’s to my next great adventure!

Linking up with Five Minute Friday!

Kariss Blog 1 Comment

Comments 1

  1. I just finished your book, Shaken, and out of the tens of thousands of books I have read in my lifetime, it is one of my favorites. It is very well written. Your story line is deep yet uncluttered. It was very easy to read, and yet its very topic was thought provoking. I love how Kaylan seems so real. Her struggles with her relationship with God after her tragedy is so true and many times us Christians fail to acknowledge that possibility in others. It is now six years since you have published your book, with the two following of which I only have Shadowed, (I’ll have to order Surrendered), and I hope you feel your success. Your comment above describing self-doubt is just how I have felt in trying to get my own book published and marketed. I understand the desire to share God’s words of truth with others, yet trying to jump through the hoops of letting people know its out there. God bless you in all he sets on your heart to write. Looking forward to reading shadowed this weekend.

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